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Cover Image by Zach Huffaker

Letter From the Editors

This has been another challenging semester for the students and editors of Spirit Lake Review Literary Magazine. What was always a bit of chaos and mirthful pandemonium when done in-person becomes a study in sequential conversation and “you go first” apologies that suck much of the spontaneity out of the class interactions when done by Zoom. Not that we didn’t have fun, there was plenty of that, but we’ll all be so glad when the restrictions of Covid are in the rearview mirror. We, the students and editors of Spirit Lake Review, owe so much to our instructor and mentor, Kelly Dwyer.


Were it not for her incredible stamina and dedication to all things Spirit Lake Review, we fear the 2021 magazine would have been in unprintable shambles. Thoughtful guidance and attention to even minor details, and to the needs, strengths, and challenges, that come with any group of strangers trying to manifest a gestalt that creates a team, are the hallmark of a superior instructor and leader. We all have so much to be thankful for in Kelly Dwyer.


This year’s magazine came together with about half the usual number of students, and that means everyone had about double the workload. Hats off to all of the student editors that accepted the responsibilities and carried the loads so well.


It wouldn’t be fair if we failed to recognize the support given by the UW-Platteville system and the Baraboo Cam pus administrators for allowing Literary Magazines class to continue under such trying circumstances. Thank you to the decision makers at UW-Platteville and Boo-U.



The Editors

John Markestad & Daniel Emerson and Sophia Beckwith, Mikayla Faivre, Tessia Grimmage, Danielle Hagemann, Bobbi Miller, Haley Olson, Dante Spence, Seth Taylor, and Padric Timp

Letter From the Instructor

It is with a mixture of excitement and sadness that I announce I am retiring from the UW-system on May 21, 2021, and therefore will be retiring from instructing the class that produces Spirit Lake Review. After co founding the magazine in 2004, and instructing the class every year but two since, I have come to think of this project as a part of myself. I have come to think of the cyclical nature of the emotions this project brings on— excitement in January over starting from scratch with a blank page with new, fresh-faced students; stress in April over too much work to do and too little time to do it in with students who could use a forty-eight hour nap; and deep satisfaction in May when we have somehow, some way managed to create the beautiful magazine you have before you, with students who are glowing with pride and accomplishment—as much a part of my year as the seasons. I will deeply miss this experience when it’s over.


And yet, after devoting myself to my students’ writing for many years now, I know it’s the right time to turn to my own writing. I know the magazine will thrive, because it has the support of the administration, staff, and faculty of UW-Platteville and UW-Platteville Baraboo Sauk County, and because of the editors, writers, and artists who are so passionate about its success.


Many people have been responsible for helping to keep Spirit Lake Review alive despite budget cuts. In particular, we thank Boo U’s SGA (Student Government Association), Branch Campus Student Life & Activities Director Jason Schulte, Assistant Campus Dean Dr. Steve Swallen, the UWP Humanities Department and UWP BSC English Department, and the maintenance staff at Baraboo. (Thank you, Charlie!) We could not create this magazine without John Markestad and Daniel Emerson, who devote countless hours of their time as volunteers to help us, guide us, and do everything from computer design work to keeping us laughing and (relatively) sane.


I thank all of the writers and artists who have brought such joy to our community and our lives, and finally, I thank all of the student editors I’ve worked with over the years. Each of them has helped shape not only that year’s magazine but the ones that were and are to come. It is with deep gratitude that I honor them and thank them all on the occasion of my retirement. Editors, you have kept me learning and laughing all these years, and for that I am deeply grateful. Please see the back cover for a list of all their names. Thank you all.


Kelly Dwyer, Senior Lecturer, UW-Platteville and UW-Platteville Baraboo Sauk County

© 2022 Spirit Lake Review
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